Wednesday, December 14, 2011

30 Things: Day 28

a picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then.

October 2010

December 2011

(c) j.h. 2011

the truth is. i have changed more in the past year than maybe my entire life. not physically. i mean, well, that too. yes, my hair is much shorter, i weigh a baby less, i live in a new town, i have two daughters instead of one, and i have a million more wrinkles.

but my soul has changed. my core. i wish there was time to write about how in one blog post. no. actually i don't. i'll save it for later. 2012 is going to be big. you just wait.

instead, i'll sum up the past year with one word: defining.

no deep meaning or vaingloriousness intended. but to the person who sent me the message below: no i don't think i'm wise. i'm lazy. period. the end.

"one day, if you're lucky, people are going to hate you as much as they love you."

my most awesome blog-hate mail yet:

"Maybe you will blog about how smart and honest and perfect you are. Maybe you will just stick to your usual arrogant tone and write about ... how you are a living angel destined to be translated to heaven. the end.  (I got that from you...and I didn't forget to capitalize.  I think its cool.  My trademark.)  You are not clever. You are not funny.  And you have some of the worst taste and poorest judgment when it comes to general propriety in what you write in a public forum.  Step down from your high horse.  Stop pretending you are Walt Whitman or Hemingway."


  1. You're completely hot. Like fiery hot. I wish I got deeper than that, but I don't. Da-yum.

  2. People are harsh!!!!
    You are as beautiful as always!!!

  3. you're a beautiful mess...i dig it, and the pictures, brilliant. next post, post a picture of you on a fucking horse. a very, very tall one.


chew it up or spit it out: